We truly believe that the middle and high school students in our midst are world changers in the making. We want to guide our youth in developing a personal faith in Christ as they step into their specific roles in the story He's writing with their lives. We work hard to create environments that engage youth in good conversation about God, encouraging them to ask questions, search out answers, and truly learn to listen to His leading in their lives.
Youth Ministry
678 is a program just for our middle school youth. The goal of 678 is to introduce students to who Jesus is and teach them how to follow Him by learning what the Bible has to say about living a full life. Along the way we hope to create environments where they can find friendship, community, and learn how God has gifted them as they begin to live out their faith with generosity and compassion. This exciting program happens Sundays during the 10:30am Worship Service.
FallsCreek Youth
FallsCreek Youth is the premiere program for 6th - 12th grade students. It's an electric experience that powers up every other Sunday at 6 pm. There's games, videos, small group discussions and practical Biblical teaching that students need in order to live life to the fullest.