Here to Serve Our Community

Our Team

Here at FallsCreek, we know that furthering the kingdom of God is a team effort.  We are grateful for our pastoral staff but know that our volunteers are truly the heart of the church.

Cross  Pastoral Leadership

  • Pastor Mike and LaVon

    Senior Pastor

    Pastor Mike and LaVon have faithfully served at FallsCreek for 50 years. LaVon also serves as an administrative assistant and oversees LifeGroups such as FrontRunners and Focus on Women. 


  • Charlotte Burns

    Administrative Assistant

  • Stephanie Underwood

    Creative Arts Director

  • Cindy Terry

    678 Middle School Ministry Leader

  • Wayne Anderson

    Building Manager and Hospitality

  • Joe Kidwell


  • Steve Starcher

    Safety and Security


Join The Team

If you spend any time around our church at all, you'll quickly learn one thing: we love our community. You're all amazing and we love to worship and serve with you. Our community is bursting with potential. We truly believe that our church is full of world changers in the making. Email the church office at or fill out a Connect Card during Sunday service if you would like to get connected as a volunteer.